The first trimester can be a challenging time. Many people experience nausea and vomiting; anxiety about bleeding, and questions about genetic screening options.Below are a few links to reliable sources of information
Genetic Screening Options - check out the PSBC website for more information about your genetic screening options.
Nausea and Vomiting (morning sickness that might not be isolated to the morning)
The BCWH website has information to frequently asked questions
Blood Type in Pregnancy - Rh Factor
Bleeding in Pregnancy can be caused by many different reasons. Most people's biggest fear of miscarriage. While 10%-20% of all pregnancies can end in miscarriage, there are many other reasons for spotting or bleeding in pregnancy that are not related to miscarriage. If you have very light spotting, there is no cause for alarm. If you have heavy bleeding, please call the pager to discuss this with your midwife.
At 8-12 weeks, an ultrasound is recommended to get the most accurate due date
At 11-13 weeks, an ultrasound called a nuchal translucency screening is performed for those 35 and over, choosing the integrated prenatal genetic screening option
Gestational Diabetes Testing is recommended between 24-28wks in all pregnant people. Gestational diabetes often doesn't have symptoms, and managing it in pregnancy can reduce the risk of having an LGA (large for gestational age) baby and other complications.
Diabetes Canada Info Sheet
Health Link BC Information Page
Prenatal Classes - there are many options in the city and online. Earthside Birth offers a prenatal class run by a Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist and Registered Nurse - please see our Calendar to Register!
A free online prenatal class option is run through the Pregnancy Hub
At 18-22wks, an ultrasound is recommended as a detailed assessment of the fetal development as well as the placental location, amniotic fluid volume, and cervical length
An ultrasound may be offered at other points in pregnancy, however some people will only have two ultrasounds in their entire pregnancy