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The Space

We are privileged to work on the unceded territory of the Lkwungen People, also known as the Songhees and Esquimalt First Nations communities.  Our clinic is in the Hidden Harbour Marina, in West Bay Esquimalt.  The waiting area is where we host classes and group sessions when clinic is not in session. We have two clinic rooms, which are used both by midwives and our Acupuncture and Physiotherapist colleagues. There is a wonderful yoga studio above us, a cafe and a Lifelabs across the street!


Our Committment

Our clinic is committed to providing quality, evidence-based care to families from all walks of life. Many of our midwives have a special interest in working with populations often more vulnerable in health care settings, including but not limited to: Indigenous families; new to Canada famlies; families struggling with substance use disorders; and queer families.
Our space is welcoming and discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated. 
We are committed to providing you with empowering and safe care throughout your time with us.

Things We Offer

Earthside started as a midwifery and infant feeding clinic in 2023. Since then we've welcomed complimentary therapies including Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy and Acupuncture.
We are so pleased to continue offering infant feeding group prenatal classes; homebirth information sessions (for those planning or just curious about homebirth); Midwifery care and Lactation Consulting covered by MSP.

Patients under GP care or attending the AAU Prenatal Services clinic for their pregnancy, are also eligible for postpartum care through our clinic with a referral.

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